
My work has been exhibited at the San Jose Museum of Art, Monterey Peninsula Museum of Art, Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art and the A.I.R. Gallery in New York City.  I have shown work locally at the Santa Cruz Art League, Pajaro Valley Arts Council Gallery, Soquel and Watsonville Bay Photo Labs as well as Open Studios 2003,04,05 sponsored by the Santa Cruz County Arts Council.

My figurative murals concerned with breast cancer were shown at Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, and Dennos Museum Center, Traverse City, Michigan.  Previously the murals traveled with the Art.Rage.Us. Exhibition to the Glenbow Museum of Art at Calgary, Canada and the Pao Gallery in Hong Kong. They have also been shown at the Jewett Gallery, San Francisco Main Library; Getty Gallery, Los Angeles Central Public Library; Tisch School of Fine Art Gallery, New York University; and the Cannon Building Rotunda, United States House of Representatives, Washington D.C.

Room size installations dealing with breast cancer were exhibited at Works/San Jose Gallery, San Jose State University, the University of Illinois at Chicago and San Francisco Camerawork Gallery.

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