Some history...
My roots are, for the most part, grounded in making art and teaching. After obtaining an MA in painting in the 60’s, I taught art at a variety of places including San Jose State University, Los Gatos High School, Gavilan College and Cabrillo College. Later, my interests lead me to pursue an MFA in photography, earning it from San Jose State University in 1994. Since then, I have taught Photography at San Jose State University, Gunderson High School and most recently at Cabrillo College. I share a studio with my husband Holt Murray who is a sculptor, in Corralitos, California
My creative process, what shapes the work...
I enjoy constructing and inventing things to photograph. Although I have explored a variety of subject matter, all these investigations have consistently drawn me to an exploration of visual imagination and conceptual play.
My experience working with drawing, painting, printmaking, and installation has influenced my approach to making photographs. Earlier, I included photographic imagery within those traditional art media, then I went on to hand-coloring photographs with art materials. Now I work with materials to fabricate constructions which I then photograph.
My recent work with portraits of flowers as personalities, evolved from a previous series of tongue-in-cheek portraits depicting fruit and vegetables as families. I imagined them sitting for an annual family portrait, with additional little ones showing up each year as the family grew. The images included subtle gender distinctions in both parents and offspring.